Barbara ann!
Woah thats some crazy stuff...
It ends on a completely different note to the way it started :S
personally I would buy a ps3 just for Tekken....
<3 Tekken
Barbara ann!
Woah thats some crazy stuff...
It ends on a completely different note to the way it started :S
personally I would buy a ps3 just for Tekken....
<3 Tekken
My brain hurts watching that...
I think I may need a few of them shrooms before I could fully grasp what was happening XD
Heh how long did it take you to sychronise that?
The best part was the chorus "lyrics"
And yes...people do actually like me.....I hope...
A chick huh?...
I wish I could dance that good...
and that poor bastard who got his nuts smashed into his intenstines by that chick..
Heh what....
If krinkels makes it...I'll watch it :D
The clown is a hippy...or at least on drugs
Hehe who needs a plot when you have a wall of zombies, jesus, a clown, bullet time and gun skills that are better than Dante's from Devil may cry :D:D:D
God I love this stuff...
Oh Teh Noes!
It just doesnt end!!!
I love his uncanny ability to know whats behind him.
Oh yea and its nice to see a WW2 thompson manage to make its way into the gun line up :D
Wow that was probably the best madness I've seen...
Oh and the stop sign was a touch on genious
It even had meatwad! :D
Cant get much better than that...
Wow with the lemmings and inspector gadget and animaniacs...
Holy hell
Well done man, I enjoyed that...but next time it'd be nice to see some actual violence :D
Well its definately about time I became a member.
Age 36, Male
Wellington, New Zealand
Joined on 9/13/06